The Role of Synthetic Data in Software Development
Vidoori’s Data Practice Lead, Thomas George, talks with Federal Tech Podcast about the value of synthetic data.
They cover many topics from the privacy of civilian data to innovations such as Chat GPT.

Vidoori Awarded Contract with NAVSUP
Vidoori has recently been awarded a contract to provide Oracle Database support for the Navy Supply Systems Command’s Business Systems Center.
The award continues support provided for the Warfighter.

The Value of High Performance Testing
Performance testing may be perceived as a time consuming or costly activity.
However, performance testing has proven its value time and time again in a variety of projects and the benefits it provides should not be overlooked.

The Basics and Benefits of Test Data Management
It is important that test data represent the production data as closely as possible.
If the data poorly represents that sampled source, this can negatively impact the testing process and degrade the results of the test effort.